Cherokee Hiking Club
Cherokee Hiking Club Calendar
Hike Difficulty Rating Scale
(per Chattanooga Hiking Club)
Archive of past calendars 2005
2006 2007 2008
Check out the Sequoyah Hiking Club and the Hiwassee Hiking Club Activities
2010 Wall Calendar as PDF File - 2010 Hike Schedule as PDF File
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Tennessee Wild Hike/Backpack
Benton MacKaye Trail Assn Hike
Sat, Jan 9, 2010 -
Oswald Dome - 8 miles, strenuous, leader
Randy Morris, 338-9464 Rescheduled to
Feb 6
Sun, Jan 10, 2010 - Annual Planning Meeting at 2PM at the office of James Anderson
(Family Resource Agency
office building at 3680 Michigan Avenue), see
Jan newsletter
Thur, Jan 14 - Monthly Meeting, Michaels Restaurant in Etowah across from
Bi-Lo, 6:30 PM
Sat, Jan 23 - Laurel-Snow Hike. 5 miles,
moderate, leader Jane Finch, 479-5933
Sun, Jan 31, 2010 -
Athens Regional Park Hike - 3.1 miles,
easy, leader Jane Bohannon,
745-9534 or 381-8388
Sat Feb 6 -
Oswald Dome - 8 miles, strenuous, leader
Randy Morris, 338-9464
Thu Feb 11 - Monthly Meeting, home of Debbie & Dave Flower, 6:30 PM, pitchin
Sun Feb 21 -
Fort Loudoun State Park - 3.75 miles, easy,
leader Bob & Effaleda Lee,
423-568-2501, or
cell 423-507-5582
Feb 28 Sun - Harrison Bay State Park (4 mi) easy -
Leader James Anderson
Mar 7 Sun
Turtletown Falls (4 mi) mod -
Leader Marc Bernatti
Mar 11 Thurs Monthly Meeting,
Baptist Student Union, Cleveland State Community College, 6:30 PM
Mar 13 Sat Tellico River Clean Up - registration begins at 8:00 am -
contact Tellico Ranger Station, 423-253-2520
Mar 13 Sat Metcalf Bottoms to
Tremont (9.2 mi) mod - Leader Randy
Mar 20 Sat Beech Bottom Trail
(9.4 mi) mod - Leaders Carol & Bill Kamm,
Mar 20 Sat Hiwassee River
Cleanup - 9AM, meet at Hiwassee/Ocoee River State Park Office off US411
just north of Hiwassee River Bridge on Spring Creek Road. Bring gloves, work
boots and safety glasses.
Mar 21 Sun Scenic Spur Trail (3.5 mi) easy - Leader Randy Morris
Mar 27 Sat TN/NC
BMTA Work Trip - Saw-A-Thon. We will continue to clear logs off the
trail with chain saw and crosscut saw. We will meet for breakfast at the
Prospectors Dining Company
in Tellico Plains at 8AM or behind the
Cherohala Skyway Visitor Center at 9AM. We will leave from the visitor
center to various segments of the trail. If Prospectors is closed, then meet at
Tellico Grains for
breakfast at 8AM. Contact Rick Harris at 423-253-6358
(home), 513-260-1184 (cell) or to let him know if you are coming.
April 3 Sat Wild flower hike on lower Rock Creek
portion of Cumberland Trail (3.3 mi) easy - Leader Kenneth Johnson
April 8 Thurs Annual Joint
Meeting with the Hiwassee Hiking Club, Etowah Baptist Church
April 9-11
Spring Wildflower Hikes, Leon & Pat Bates
April 10 Sat Cohutta
Wilderness Hike (14.5 mi) strenuous -- Leaders
Bill & Dianna Ristom
April 10 Sat John Muir Trail (1-3 mi) easy - emphasis on wild flowers
- Leaders Leon & Pat Bates
April 11 Sun Benton Falls/McKamey Lake (1-3 mi) easy - emphasis on wild
flowers - Leaders Leon & Pat Bates
April 17 Sat Three Forks to Springer Mtn (10.4 mi) strenuous - Leader
Randy Morris
April 18 Sun Indian Boundary Loop (3.4 mi) easy - Leaders Bob &
Effaleda Lee - joint with Hiwassee Club
28 Wed - Nell's Cabin Hike - meet at 8AM at old Walmart parking lot in
Madisonville next to Ingles or the Hardee's lot in Tellico Plains at 8:30. We
will drive the skyway to Robbinsville, and from there to the trail on the edge
of Fontana Lake. Bring a lunch for the hike. Round trip about 4 miles, fairly
easy grade. Afterwards, we will go to Rick and Brenda's house to watch the
movie, Nell ,and eat popcorn. Go to the blurb on this hike at
this link for
more information. Contact Rick or Brenda Harris, 423-253-6358 home, 513-260-1184
cell, This is a joint
hike of the Sequoyah, Cherokee and Hiwassee Hiking Clubs.
April 24 Sat John Muir Cleanup (3-6 mi) easy - Leaders Debbie Flower &
Clayton Pannell
May 8 Sat
Whigg Meadow (3.5 mi) easy -
Leaders Bob & Effaleda Lee, followed by lunch & mtg at 2PM @Brenda& Rick Harris’s
May 15 Sat Starr Mountain (5.0 mi) mod - Leader Clayton Pannell
May 16 Sun Cleveland State Nature Trail (2.0 mi) easy - Leaders Bill &
Dianna Ristom
May 20-23
Foot Trails Coalition Conference, DuBose Conference Center,
Monteagle, TN
May 23 Sun Cleveland Urban Hike @ Greenway & Tinsley Park (6 mi) easy
- Leader James Anderson
June 5 Sat
National Trails Day, join the Benton MacKaye
Trail Assn at the Whitewater Center for a fun day at the Ocoee.
The BMTA has reserved the conference center at
the Ocoee Whitewater Center for National Trails Day on Saturday, June 5.
Members are welcome to bring guests. We will meet at the Center at 9am for a
day of hiking followed by a potluck lunch in the conference room. Please bring a
covered dish to share. Hikes of various lengths and difficulty will be offered.
Rafting is also available from the various rafting companies or watch the river
action and cool off in pools of water along the river. RSVP to Pam Sullivan,
706-374-5281 or e-mail: Let’s get out, get together and have some fun to
start the summer! Hope to see a lot of you there!
June 12 Sat Piney River Trail, Cumberland Trail (10 mi) mod - Leader
Rick Harris
June 13 Sun Rhododendron Trail (2.5 mi) easy - Leader Jane Bohannon
June 19 Sat Blood Mountain (6 mi) mod - Leader Gail Gray
Sunday, June 27, 2009: TN/NC BMTA Walk-Thru - The TN/NC BMTA Walk-Thru is scheduled for Sunday, June 27.
We need each of you to go with at least one other person and hike a section of the BMT between the GA state line and Deals Gap at the south end of the Smokies. Volunteer for a section, or sections, by going to the BMTA walk-thru page at and sign up or email me and I will sign you up. contact me, Rick Harris, at or 423-253-6358.
This is a great way to spend a nice summer Sunday. If you are unavailable on June 27, you can go any other day, but you will miss out on the before and after activities. We plan to meet at Prospectors Dining Company for all-you-can-eat pancakes at 8AM in Tellico Plains, then we will meet at Michaels Restaurant in Etowah for supper at 5PM. Michaels has great pasta. I love their carboniera dish. If we have enough for the dinner, we will reserve the back room just to ourselves.
I ask that when you do your walk-thru, you do the following:
You should not hike your own section. Let someone else evaluate your section. That is the fair and honest way to do it. Fill out the form which is attached and return it to me at the dinner or by mail or email later. The form is also available on the BMTA website on the walk-thru page noted above. If you have a GPS, please take it with you and waypoint the locations of big downfalls and sections which need a lot of brushing out or tread work and describe the work needed in your report. Then either send me your waypoint file from your GPS or put the waypoints in your report. The form is a Word document, so you can type right into it, then save it under the section name (such as: BMT-Section-13e.doc) and email or snailmail it to me. If you don't have a GPS, please describe the locations as best you can. Be sure to comment on the condition of the blazes. Are there too few, too many, in need of repainting, etc? Also note any confusing junctions which would benefit from a wooden routed sign. We have several available, thanks to Marty Dominy, to put out on the trail where needed.
July 8 Thu
No Monthly Meeting this month
July 11 Sun Lower Hiwassee Canoe
Trip - Leader Clayton Pannell
Aug 7 Sat Gregory Bald - strenuous -
Leader Rick Harris CANCELLED,
Aug 12 Th Monthly Meeting -
Quinn Springs Campground along TN 30, 6:30 PM, bring a dish for pitch-in supper
Aug 14 Sat
Donley Cabin & Sycamore Creek (4.5 mi) easy - Leader
Jane Bohannon - joint with Hiwassee Club
Aug 21 Sat
Hooper Bald & Huckleberry Knob (4 mi) easy - Leaders Bob&
Effaleda Lee - joint with Hiwassee Club
Aug 29 Sun Lower Hiwassee Canoe Trip - Leader Clayton Pannell.
Repeat of trip on July 11.
Sept 11 Sat
Hangover/Bob Bald (10 mi)
moderately difficult - Leader Rick Harris
Sept 12 Sun Unicoi Turnpike (3 mi) easy - Leader Marc Bernatti
Sept 18 Sat Towee Creek through new segment of John Muir Trail -
Leader Clayton Pannell CANCELLED
Sept 24-26 F-S Indian Boundary Campout with hiking & canoeing - Leader
James Anderson CANCELLED
Oct 2 Sat
Coker Creek Falls (3 mi) easy -
car shuttle - Leader Marc Bernatti
Oct 9 Sat John Muir Cleanup (3-6 mi) easy - Leaders Debbie
Flower & Clayton Pannell
Oct 14 Thurs
Monthly Meeting - CSCC Baptist Student
Center - 6:30 PM - hike before meeting at 5:30 PM
Oct 16 Sat Panther Creek Falls - mod - Leaders Bill & Dianna
Oct 17 Sun
Scenic Spur Trail - 3.5 miles, easy -
Leader Randy Morris
Oct 24 Sun
Lookout Mountain Bluff Trail (4.5 mi) easy - Leader
Gail Gray
Oct 24-Nov 4
TN/NC Benton
MacKaye Trail Fall Backpack
Oct 31 Sun Benton Falls
(3.5 miles) easy - Bob Lee
Nov 6 Sat Laurel Falls (5 mi)
mod - Leader Kathy Seymour
Nov 11 Thu
Monthly Meeting - Leon Bates home, 6:30 PM,
pot luck
Nov 13 Sat
Possum Creek Segment of the Cumberland Trail (9.5 mi)
strenuous - Leader Randy Morris
Nov 20 Sat
Falls - 3.7 miles easy to moderate - Leader Marc Bernatti
Nov 27 Sat Linda Davis Memorial River Walk (8 mi) easy - Leader
Sunni Campbell
Dec 4 Sat
Big Frog (12 mi) strenuous -
Leader James Anderson
Dec 12 Sun
CHC Christmas Party -
Big Bear Cove Restaurant near Reliance, TN. Arrive Sunday at 1PM. Presignup
with Randy Morris.