Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Falls Dayhike
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Brief Description: First mile is an easy level warm up stroll alongside the creek. Then, we'll take the left fork. It becomes a foot trail
with some hill hugging and slight elevation changes with switchbacks that take the trail down to below the twin falls . Usually, the water coming off the falls cascades dramatically down both sides of the center rock. From there, we'll continue to the second set of falls and then, hike back out on the logging road. There should be great views of the Hiwassee from the higher rises on that road while the trees are still greening up. After looping back to the left fork we took to hike in, that easy mile stroll back to our cars will be a welcome cool down.
Bring a snack and enough water. Pets are always welcome.
Length: 3.7 miles
Difficulty Rating: Moderate to Easy, but there is a fair amount of elevation gain on the return trip to the car
Elevation Gain: maybe 500 feet on the return trip to the car
Hike Leader: Marc Bernatti
. Call me at 423 261-2573
Directions to the Trailhead: Meet at the trailhead in Farner/Turtletown at 2 PM. With Hwy 64 closed in the Ocoee Gorge due to the rock slide, hiker coming from Tennessee will come through Tellico Plains to get on Hwy 68 South. The Hardee’s in Ocoee, Etowah or Tellico Plains are all good meeting places for anyone wanting to car pool. Anyone coming from GA or NC can meet up at the Ducktown Hardee’s and head North on Hwy 68. From Tellico Plains, go South on Hwy 68. Approximately 12 miles from the Coker Creek Welcome Center/Gift Shop, you'll cross a new bridge over the RR tracks. Take the second right, (on Underwood Rd at the Farner Post Office-look for the Flag). Cross the RR tracks, bear right and turn left on Duggan Rd. Bear left onto Farner Rd. The entrance is 3/4 miles on the right. Once you enter, keep driving until you cross a wet bridge, the parking lot will be just ahead. Coming from Ducktown on Hwy 68, the Farner Post Office will be approximately 10 miles on the left.
Post Trip Report: While 7 participants were expected, three people and a dog made the hike this pleasant day, which was made for hiking. The Forest Service road going down to the parking lot was very slick and muddy from recent rains and snow. A couple almost made it to the bottom, but decided against going all of the way. They managed to safely turn around and went elsewhere. The other expected couple probably decided the same. The day had started off threatening, but just stayed overcast; occasionally the sun was allowed to peek through on the hikers. For the three, or four counting the dog who had no say in this, it was a great 3 hour leisurely hike on the semi loop, stopping at both falls. The water was surprisingly high yet clear enough to see bottom in the creek and under the falls. The water flow over the two falls (Upper Twin Falls and Lower Cascade) was strong; something not recently seen in that area. Since the leaves are still off the trees, the view of Hiawassee Gorge and River from the bluff on our return was an added bonus. The hillside foot trail was a bit difficult in places and a couple of fallen trees had to be jumped; the occasional steep elevation gains, especially on the logging road up to the bluff on the return leg, got the blood pumping. Hikers Bob and Kathy Bortz is a new couple to this area and live between Tellico Plains and Etowah. Hopefully everyone will get to meet the Bortz’s at our April meeting in Etowah; think new members.
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