The Unicoi Crest above Tellico Plains


Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 373




Trail Maintenance
Conausauga Falls Trail


This beautiful short 0.6 mile trails leaves from the falls parking area and descends to the falls on a well constructed easy trail. The trail parking lot is reached by driving south on TN 68 from Tellico Plains then turning right at the sign just before the highway heads up Tellico Mountain with the three lane section. The trail is about 3 miles down the road from TN 68.

Thursday, October 20, 2011 - Conasauga Falls Trail -  Four Tellico Crew members took Thursday to do a little work on the Conasauga Falls Trail and Trailhead. The trail is generally in great shape, and we spent most of the morning evaluating how and when to fix two areas that the trail crosses rock on steep terrain. The sections are not that bad except for those not use to hiking. The consensus was that we would need to start and finish the work in a short period of time, and that we may use the University of Illinois group SAWS is hosting in January. We also did a little brushing work at the falls itself. The crew returned to the trailhead and filled four bags with trash (a constant problem at this trailhead).


Travel Hours

Work Hours


Bill Hodge




Tazz Reid 1.0 4.5 5.5
Bobby Mitchell 1.5 4.5 6
Travis Schwarzer - USFS (1.0) (4.5) (5.5)

Volunteer Totals




Wed, Feb 15, 2012 - Conasauga Falls Trail - Gary Long and I [Marc Bernatti] cleaned up a mountain of trash from one dump site off the FS road leading to Conasauga Falls. We spent two hours on collecting, bagging and hauling it out of the hollow back up to the road, 17 trash bags of household garbage and trash. It took us two hours of driving which included the commute and then, hauling our treasure to the County Convenience Center in Tellico Plains. On the way out we also picked up from the roadside some bigger pieces, such as an old tube type TV and a bookcase. Interestingly, the magazines, bills and banking documents that were in with the diapers, and other goodies, showed the proud owners had come all the way from Maryville to make the donation to our Nat'l Forest here. Gary took some pictures from our challenging adventure. I'll forward what I get from him.


Travel Hours

Work Hours


Marc Bernatti




Gary Long 2 2 4

Volunteer Totals







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