Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Panther Branch Trail
Monday, July 6, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
The Panther Branch Trail (FS Trail 162) is a trail within the Cherokee National Forest in the Tellico Ranger District which climbs up Panther Branch from the Tellico River up to Skull Gap on the top of Sugar Mountain. The trail head is along the Tellico River Road between the North River Road and Green Cove. The parking area is on the north side of the river, and to access the trail, the hiker must cross a wood bridge to the south side then follow the edge of the river downstream for 50 feet or so. The trail is 2.6 miles long and rises about 940 feet from the Tellico River to Skull Gap.
Monday, July 6, 2009: Rick & Brenda Harris started clearing this trail which has not been maintained for several years. With brush cutters they cleared 0.75 miles of the trail. No logs were encountered along this stretch.
Volunteer hours for the day:
Rick Harris Travel Hours = 1 Work Hours = 3 Total = 4
Brenda Harris Travel Hours = 1 Work Hours = 3 Total = 4TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS: 8 hours
Tuesday, July 7, 2009: Rick Harris returned alone the next day and cleared another 0.75 miles up to mile 1.5 on the Panther Branch Trail. Rick also sawed out with a hand saw three small trees and several smaller rhodo branches blocking the trail. He stopped at a large tree which is going to require a chain saw to clear.
Here is my time for the trip:
Travel Hours = 1 Work Hours = 6 Total = 7.0
I (Rick Harris) returned again alone to clear another section of the Panther Branch Trail with the brushcutter. I worked through the worst part of it today and, since I got a late start, I only cleared about 0.3 miles. It will probably take at least one more full day to finish the brushing out if I am alone and then a separate day with his wife to log out the trail. Here is my time for the day:Travel Hours = 1 Work Hours = 6 Total = 7.0
I (Rick Harris) and my dog Jake reblazes the Panther Branch Trail from the river up about 1.5 miles to the point that so far has been bushed out. I will go back probably one day next week with my wife to finish brushing out the trail, then later we will log the trail out and paint the blazes the rest of the way. Here is my time for the day:Travel Hours = 1 Work Hours = 3 Total = 4
Sunday, August 28, 2011 - Panther Branch Trail - Rick Harris brushed out this trail up to the second creek crossing about a mile up and also cut out several logs which were about 6" or less from the trail corridor. A few larger logs still are awaiting a future maintenance trip. The paint blazes are in great shape on this beautiful trail.
Trevel Hours = 1 Work Hours =3 Total = 4
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 - Panther Branch Trail - Rick Harris brushed out this trail from the second creek crossing on up to almost the 3rd creek crossing about 1.6 miles up the trail. He also logged out all the trees with a one man crosscut saw.
Trevel Hours = 1 Work Hours =4.5 Total = 5.5
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