The Unicoi Crest above Tellico Plains


Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 373




Trail Maintenance
Bob Stratton Bald Trails

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thursday, April 29, 2010 - Bob Stratton Bald Trails - 6 of us worked a full day yesterday clearing trees from, and brushing out the Bob Stratton Bald Trails. It was beautiful day! We cleared the trail of trees from Cold Spring Gap up to the bald. We did leave one "widow-maker" as an established walk around path seemed to be working. The trail is also brushed out from Cold Spring Gap up to the trail junction. We started working down toward Cherry Log Gap and ran into huge blow-down mess. We plan to return next week and finish the trail down to Cherry Log. We did pick up the key in the Tellico Office, but guess what? NC changed the lock. We need a new key. Also, Bill Hodge had a flat tire on his truck, and it took us about an hour to figure out how to change the tire and get the spare tire off its hook. How many trail maintainers does it take to change a flat tire? Here are the volunteer hours;

Bill Hodge - 8.5 Hours Worked - 1 Hour Travel
Tazz Reid - 8.5 Hours Worked - 1 Hour Travel
Bobby Mitchell - 8.5 Hours Worked - 1.5 Hours Travel
Jim Sirmans - 8.5 Hours Worked - 1 Hour Travel
Phillip Gooch - 8.5 Hours Worked - 1 Hour Travel
Rick Harris - 8.5 Hours Worked - 1 Hour Travel

Thursday, May 6, 2010 - Bob Stratton Bald Trails - We were able to finish the Bob Stratton Bald Trails on Thursday. It was a long day, but the two trails have been cleared of trees and have been brushed back. It was great to have a full crew on Thursday. Here are the hours;

Tazz Reid - 9 hours - 1 hour drive
Bobby Mitchell - 9 hours - 1.5 hours drive
Blue Goodsen - 9 hours - 1.5 hours drive
Bill Hodge - 9 hours - 1 hour drive
John Kalabus - 9 hours - 2 hour drive
Jim Sirmans - 9 hours - 45 minute drive
Phillip Gooch - 9 hours - 45 minute drive

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - Bob Stratton Bald Trails - On Tuesday SAWS hosted a work crew full of students from Hocking College. We worked on the stretch of the Bob Stratton Bald Trail from Cold Springs Gap to the bald. The trail was pretty overgrown in some places, and we had two large blow-down complexes to saw out. We were able to complete all of the work except for one large hemlock that is about .4 miles up from the gap. The tree is around 44" DBH. We will go back in with a large cross-cut and take it out soon. It is fairly easy to hike around the tree for now (little to no resource damage being caused). This trail could use a re-route near the ridge crest. There are a couple of places where the trail has become a ditch. Here are the hours:

Bill Hodge - 7.5 hours - 1 hour travel
Jim Holland - 7.5 hours - 2 hours travel
There were a 12 students and an instructor, and they all put in 6.5 hours = 84.5 hours
Stephen Eren joined us on this workday as well.

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