The Unicoi Crest above Tellico Plains


Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 373




Monthly Club Meeting
Thursday, October 8, 2009

The meeting in October 8 will be at the CSCC property and we will have a prehike on the CSCC trail, as follows: Suzanne Bennett of Cleveland State (and a member of the Cherokee Hiking Club) will lead a hike on the CSCC nature trail (which the club has adopted) prior to the October 8 meeting. If interested in going on the short hike please meet in the parking lot below the tennis courts on the CSCC campus at 5:30 p.m. The tennis courts are located on Adkisson Drive—turn right off of Norman Chapel and they will be on your left—approximately ¼ mile away—just past the baseball field. The trail is about 1 mile in length.

We are meeting Thursday, October 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Baptist Student Union at Cleveland State Community College. It is located off of Norman Chapel Road just after you go under I-75. If you enlarge the main campus map on the link below you will see directions to the campus (if needed). Parking is in front of the building (not shown on the main campus map) or in the parking lot behind Building 10 (Security Bldg.). The BSU is directly across Norman Chapel from the parking lot.

Minutes, October 8, 2009,  CSCC Baptist Student Center

The monthly meeting of the Cherokee Hiking club was held on October 8, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at CSCC Baptist Student Center. Thirty members and three guests attended.  Following a great potluck meal, President Randy Morris called the business meeting to order at 7:27 p.m.  Randy thanked Lettie Burress for arranging for the meeting place.  Steve Biotowas, Wilderness Technician with the Ocoee-Hiwassee Ranger District,  presented Debbie Flower, Al Rymer, and Rick Harris with tee shirts and commended them for their  work as trail maintenance volunteers.  Steve discussed his work with  Gary Smith and other volunteers.

Minutes from the previous meeting were read by  Secretary Jane Bohannon and correction has been made to read “the December meeting will be held on the eleventh. “   Treasurer Ann Gray reported a current balance.

Old business:  Randy thanked Suzanne Bennett, horticulturist at CSCC for leading the hike on the CSCC Trail prior to the meeting.  Suzanne mentioned the possibility of a work trip later on.  Randy suggested putting the club website address on our Adopt-A- Trail sign at the CSCC trail.  A request was made for volunteers to paint blazes on this trail, if interested check with Suzanne. 

The nominating committee was appointed for selecting new officers for the upcoming year 2010.  Debbie Flower and   Belinda Mantooth were selected to nominate new officers.  Debbie will do the installation of officers.  The following officers will continue to serve:  Secretary -Jane Bohannon; Treasurer- Ann Gray;  Publicist-Debbie Flower; Webmaster-Rick Harris.  The offices of President, Vice-President, and Newsletter editor are to be filled. 

Rick Harris reported that information on hikes occurring during the BMTA Annual Meeting at Coker Creek Village on Nov. 6-8 will be posted on the BMTA website (  All these hikes will start from the Coker Creek Village parking lot. 

New business:  Gail Gray made a motion for the club to donate $50.00 to the Baptist Student Center.  Debbie Flower seconded the motion. 

Hikes completed:  Reports were given on Len Foote, Fiery Gizzard, and Blood Mountain.  Rick reported on Benton McKaye trail maintenance and discussed plans for compiling a pocket size trail guide book.

Upcoming hikes:  Upcoming hikes were discussed.  Refer to the website and newsletter.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Next meeting: The next meeting will be at Ryan’s Restaurant in Cleveland at 6:30 p.m. on November 12 since Michael’s is already booked.  The December 11 meeting will be at Antonio’s in Cleveland.  Ann Gray has made reservations.

Ryan’s is at 138 Paul Huff Pky. From I-75, take exit #27 which is Paul Huff Pky.  Go East at end of exit ramp. Ryan’s is next to the Bradley Square Mall Shopping Center.  Turn between Applebee’s and O’Charley’s off of Paul Huff Pky.

Respectfully submitted,  Jane Bohannon, Secretary


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