Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Club Meeting
Thursday, August 13,
The club decided to hold our next meeting on Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sugarloaf Picnic Area in Ocoee. It will be the usual covered dish meal. Sugarloaf Park is located on Hwy 64 near the Hwy 64 and Hwy 314 junction. The park is on the right just prior to Ocoee #1. If you are traveling west on Hwy 64, the park is on the left just past the dam. Bring picnic style foods to share. The club will provide ice, plates, drinks, and utensils.
Cherokee Hiking Club Minutes, August 13, 2009, Sugarloaf Park
The monthly meeting of the Cherokee Hiking Club was held on August 13, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at Sugarloaf Park. Twenty- seven members and one guest attended. Following a delicious meal of potluck items, President Randy Morris called the business meeting to order at 7:25 p.m. Minutes for the previous meeting were read by Secretary Jane Bohannon and were approved as read. Treasurer Ann gray reported the current balance.
Old business: Some personal items which had been left at a previous meeting were returned to members. Boyd Firestone thanked the club for sympathy cards sent to acknowledge the loss of his sister.
New business: Lettie Burress recently hiked the Cleveland State Trail and reported the need for blazes. This will be followed up with Suzanne Bennett, grounds maintenance person at Cleveland State. Bill Ristom and Gary Smith have been leaders in maintaining that trail.
Hikes completed: There was good participation on the Benton Falls hike led by Bob Lee. Rick Harris reported on the Whig Meadow hike. Twelve hikers participated and enjoyed a history lesson by Rick, then he took them to enjoy the fruits of a huckleberry and blackberry patch. Tom Waters saw two bears near the pond at the Whigg homestead and he pointed out the signs of bear activity there. Leon Bates contributed interesting aspects of plant and animal life. Jane reported on the Lower Sycamore Creek hike which had fourteen participants. This trail needs some good sized trees cleared off the trail and some weed eating to be done on the latter part of of the trail. The group toured the Fish Hatchery and stopped by Tellico Kats for sandwiches. Trail maintenance reports were given by Rick, Clayton Pannell, and Marc Bernatti.
Upcoming hikes: At the club’s request, Gail Gray changed the September 5 Blood Mountain hike to September 12 related to the Labor Day weekend. James Anderson cancelled the September Indian Boundary camping trip related to his scheduling conflicts, but welcomed anyone to lead it for him. The October 17 Brasstown Bald hike has been cancelled, so that date is open. The Hooper Bald and Huckleberry Knob date has been changed to Saturday August 29. Bob Lee will lead this four mile hike. Randy Morris and Rick Harris will lead the Gregory Bald trail Saturday August 15 and they expect to be led into bear country by Tom Waters who has observed several bears there.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Next meeting: The club voted to hold the next meeting on Thursday, September 10, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sugarloaf Picnic Area in Ocoee. Bring a covered dish item and a lawn chair. The club will provide ice, plates, drinks, and eating utensils. Sugarloaf Park is located on Hwy 64 near the Hwy 64 and Hwy 314 junction. The park is on the right just prior to Ocoee #1. If you are traveling west on Hwy 64, the park is on the left just past the dam. If it is raining at picnic time, the alternate location will be at Pat and Leon Bates home.
Respectfully submitted, Jane Bohannon, Secretary
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