Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Club Meeting
Thursday, April 9,
Joyce Baker, Professor of Chemistry and Associate Dean of Sciences & Mathematics at Tennessee Wesleyan College, will be our guest speaker at the joint meeting of the Hiwassee and Cherokee Hiking Clubs, April 9. Professor Baker was fortunate to receive a grant to visit the Galapagos Islands in January, 2008. She will share information regarding the formation of the islands as well as pictures and stories of her experiences. Professor Baker is a long time fellow hiker of many of the members of both clubs. The meeting will be at the United Methodist Church in Etowah at 6:30 p.m. A potluck meal will precede the presentation. Everyone is to bring a potluck item for the meal. The church is on the corner of Ohio St. and Tenth St.
Annual Joint Cherokee Hiking
Club and Hiwassee Hiking Club Meeting
Wesley United Memorial
Methodist Church at Etowah
The club extends thanks again to Clayton Pannell and Kay Smallwood and their church for allowing us to meet there. A welcome and invocation was given by Clayton followed by fellowship and a delicious potluck meal. The club gave a money donation to the church food pantry. Thirty-three members and four guests attended. We enjoyed viewing Rick Harris’s loop power point which he prepared for the club exhibit at CSCC.
The business meeting was called to order by Randy Morris at 7:30 p.m. Minutes of the March meeting and the Treasurer’s report were omitted. We signed a “Get Well” card to Martha Firestone who recently fractured a wrist and required surgical repair.
Old business: Rick reminded us of the SEFTC meeting which is scheduled for May 7-10. Randy discussed our exhibit which will be at the CSCC “ It$s All About The Green” festival on April 18. Rick’s power point and the trifold prepared by Taylor Morris will be featured. In addition, small items used for hiking, camping, canoeing, and trail maintenance will be on display.
Randy reminded us that annual membership fees are due and if not paid, your name will be removed from the club roster. The last date to pay is May 30, 2009.
New business: Rick brought sign up sheets for us to select 4-9 mile sections of the Benton MacKaye Trail to hike and describe the condition of the section. He suggested that two people hike each section together and write up a description of the condition of that section. This is going to be done to help celebrate National Trails Day which is June 6. Your walk through does not have to be done necessarily on June 6 as long as you get your written report to Rick in a timely manner.
Rick Foster, a member of the Sequoyah Club visited and presented a map which shows how to get from Farr Gap to Chilhowee Lake. He said the trails are challenging there and need maintenance.
Upcoming hikes: Randy mentioned the April 11 Wild Flower Hike to be led by Leon Bates and also the Three Forks to Skeenah Creek which Randy will lead. Steve Cartwright, President of the Hiwassee Club, invited the group on the Sycamore Creek hike with his Boy Scout group on April 18. Steve also encouraged participation with the BMT walk throughs for National Trails Day.
Hikes completed: Hikes reports were omitted. Steve Cartwright introduced Dr. Joyce Baker who gave a very interesting account of her visit to the Galapagos Islands. She presented pictures and stories from a scientific view point and also entertained us with her humor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be May 16 at Rick and Brenda Harris’s home following the Fall Branch Falls hike.
“Thank you so very much for your club’s recent donation to the Food Pantry here at Wesley Memorial UMC. Anytime we receive a donation that is a group effort, we appreciate everyone involved for their caring and support.
Please keep our mission, its volunteers and the people who turn to us for help in your prayers.”
--Sincerely, Brenda Tullock, Food Pantry Volunteer
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