Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Club Meeting
Thursday, January 8,
Minutes- January 8, 2009
The monthly meeting of the Cherokee Hiking Club was held on January 8, 2009 at 6:30 p.m at Antonio’s in Cleveland. There were twenty-six members and four guests present. President Randy Morris called the business session to order at 6:50 p.m. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Treasurer Ann Gray for Secretary Jane Bohannon and were approved as read. Treasurer Ann Gray reported a current balance of $829.72. Randy reminded members that membership dues must be paid by March.
Old business: The club voted to purchase name tags to be worn during meetings. Verna Townsend, Newsletter Editor, will prepare the paper name inserts and Ann Gray will purchase the tags with club funds. Name tags will be collected at the end of meetings and will be kept in a central location.
Tee shirts are still available for $15.00, but there are no small or medium sizes remaining.
New business: The 2009 Hike Calendar was discussed. There were seventeen participants present at the Hike Planning meeting.
The club voted to maintain the CSCC Nature Trail. Bill Ristom and Gary Smith have volunteered to do the maintenance on a regular basis.
Rick Harris gave a report on trail maintenance. Rick, Ken Jones, and Clayton Pannell have continued to put in many hours on maintaining trails. Rick discussed the worktrip schedule and requested help from club members to assist with trail maintenance. He will keep us posted on the availability of cross cut saw and chain saw classes. Cross-cut classes will be on Fridays and Saturdays. In May there will be chain saw classes available.
Hikes completed: The Indian Flatts Falls hike was discussed at the Hike Planning meeting.
Upcoming hikes: Refer to the Newsletter and Hike Schedule for information on the Bald River, Athens Regional Park, Rocky Flats, and North Chickamauga Creek hikes. There will be a description of the Len Foote hike scheduled Oct. 24 and 25 in the February Newsletter. Randy related that if you are planning to go you must heed to the reservation information due to the fact that reservations must be made months in advance. Rick Harris discussed the need for participants to do the walk-through on the Benton-McKaye on National Trails Day June 6 to evaluate the trail for need of maintenance. Randy confirmed that all activities on March 14 will remain on the hike calendar as planned.
Future meetings are as listed: Annual Joint Meeting in April tentatively scheduled at Wesley Memorial Methodist Church in Etowah. Esther Nunley, Secretary of the Hiwassee Club will contact the guest speaker. May meeting at the Harris’s home near Tellico. June 28 meeting at Bill and Ann Gray’s home in Cleveland. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
February Club Meeting: The February meeting of CHC will be at Antonio’s Restaurant on Feb 12 @ 6:30 pm. (Address: 3700 Michigan Avenue, Cleveland, TN 37323 – Tel 423-559-9716) NOTE: We will meet to the right of the cash register – front of restaurant- and not the back room as normal. The Yamaha Club has the back room booked already.
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