The Unicoi Crest above Tellico Plains


Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 373




Monthly Club Meeting and Christmas Party
Friday, December 12, 2008

December Club Meeting: The December meeting will be held at Antonio’s Corner Restaurant, 3700 Michigan Avenue in Cleveland at 6:00PM on Friday, December 12.  We will be ordering from the menu.  A gift is to be brought by each attendee valued at $10-$15 for the gift swap.   The installation of new officers will be held.

Directions: Antonio’s is located at the corner of Michigan Avenue & Stuart Road, east of the YMCA.  For additional information call 559-9716.  For a change of pace, we will order from a menu rather than bringing a potluck dish. The restaurant features Italian & Greek cuisine and also pastries!

The Cherokee Hiking Club held its annual Christmas party and Installation of Officers Ceremony.  The theme was titled "Sweet Time."  A chocolate candy bar was given to each officer symbolizing the duties of each office.  The officers for 2009 are (left-to-right): Randy Morris, President; James Anderson, Vice-President; Jane Bohannon, Secretary; Ann Gray, Treasurer, Deborah Flower, Publicist, Verna Townsend, Newsletter Editor, and Rick Harris, Web Master.

Minutes of the Meeting:

The Cherokee Hiking Club met on December 12, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. at Antonio’s in Cleveland for the monthly meeting and annual Christmas party.  There were thirty members present.  Prior to the meal, President Randy Morris called a brief business meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  Minutes of the previous meeting were omitted and can be read in the newsletter or on line.  The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Ann Gray.  The current balance was provided. 

Old business:  The club is still considering using name tags for meetings.  Paper name tags were used at this meeting and worked well.  A couple of samples were shown.   

Club tee shirts are still available for $15.00 except for size small. 

New Business: James Anderson suggested using name tags for our meetings.  Randy will check on prices for permanent name tags for members.  Paper ones are an option for guests and new members.  Randy reminded us to start thinking of a place and date for our hike planning meeting coming up soon after January. The club voted to pay the tips for tonight’s meal.    

Hike Planning Meeting for 2009:  The meeting will be at James and Phyllis Anderson’s home Sunday, January 4 at 2:00 p.m.  Hike leaders may submit hikes which they will lead even though they may not be able to attend the meeting, but leaders must submit 2-3 possible dates for their hikes if they don’t attend.   

Hikes completed:  The following hikes were reported:  John Muir Reroute led by Clayton Pannell, Linda Davis Memorial Walk led by Belinda Mantooth, Dry Pond Lead led by Randy, Unicoi Turnpike led by Marc Bernatti.   

Upcoming hikes:  Randy will be leading the Indian Flatts Falls hike tomorrow.  At this time no further hikes are planned until the planning session on January 4.   

Debbie Flower used her creative ingenuity and flair to install the new officers for the year 2009 as follows:
                        President:                                Randy Morris
                        Vice President:                        James Anderson
                        Secretary:                                Jane Bohannon
                        Treasurer:                                Ann Gray
                        Publicist:                                 Debbie Flower
                        Newsletter Editor:                  Verna Townsend
                        Webmaster:                             Rick Harris

The installation ceremony was titled “Sweet Time.”  Debbie used candy bars to demonstrate the importance of club members working together and to show that everyone is important in completing tasks.  The installation ceremony was followed by the exchanging of Christmas gifts.  Everyone shared an interesting hiking story while opening a gift.  Since there was no further business, the party/meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

January Club Meeting:  The next monthly meeting will be January 8 at Antonio’s in Cleveland at 6:30 p.m.

The 2009 Hiking Planning Meeting held at the home of James and Phyllis Anderson on Sunday, January 4 beginning at 2 p.m. At this meeting we will determine (as completely as possible) the 2009 hike schedule for the Cherokee Hiking Club. If you cannot make the meeting, but would still like to lead one or more hikes in 2009, please email the name of the hike, length and difficulty rating and at least 2 or 3 possible dates for the hike(s) to Rick Harris at

Directions to the Anderson’s home are in the newsletter.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.   

2009 Club Dues"  Please remember that as the New Year rolls in, your 2009 Cherokee Hiking Club Membership Dues need to do likewise to treasurer Ann Gray. 2009 dues are $15 (and do include anyone in your immediate family that would like to be a part of our organization). We had an exciting 2008 and look forward to an even better 2009! 

Attention New Members: Anyone who joined after October 1, 2008 will not have to renew until 2010.  

Checks may be brought to the Hike Planning Meeting on January 4, the January 8 club meeting or mailed to Ann Gray.  It will not be necessary to fill out a membership form unless your contact information has changed.  All dues must be paid by March to remain a member for 2009.


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