The Unicoi Crest above Tellico Plains


Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 373




Monthly Club Meeting
Thursday, August 14, 2008


The monthly meeting of the Cherokee Hiking Club was held on August 14, 2008 at 6:30 PM at the Greenway in Cleveland with twenty-two members and eight guests attending.  Following a picnic style potluck, President Randy Morris called the business session to order at 7:28.  Since we had several new people, we had introductions by the group.  Former members Donna and Mark Cameron rejoined and Verna Townsend joined the club.  Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Jane Bohannon.  The minutes were approved as read.  Treasurer Ann Gray reported a current balance of $724.43.  Ann read a thank you note from the family of Linda Davis for the club’s memorial and she also read an acknowledgement from the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church for the money gift donated by the club in memory of Linda.   

New Business: Aggie Scott made a motion to do the Urban Riverwalk in memory of Linda Davis and rename it the Linda Davis Urban Riverwalk.  The motion was seconded by Al Rymer.  This hike will continue to be done annually on the Saturday following Thanksgiving Day.  Belinda Mantooth will lead this hike Nov. 29.  Martha Firestone contributed that former member Pam Owens passed away and has no surviving family who could accept a memorial from the club.  James Anderson and Richard Harris will do a PowerPoint presentation of their back packing trip in Wyoming at the September meeting. 

Old Business:  Club tee-shirts were distributed prior to the meeting and extra shirts are available in varying sizes. 

Hikes completed:  See Below 

Upcoming hikes:  See Above.  

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

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