Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Club Meeting
Thursday, April 10,
April Club Meeting: The Annual Joint Meeting will be April 10th at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church on Ohio Avenue in Etowah. James Anderson will be the guest speaker and will be discussing his visit to Mount Kilimanjaro. The Hiwassee Club will furnish plates, cups, and napkins. Silverware will be furnished by the church. The Cherokee Club will furnish drinks and ice. Bring potluck items for the meal. Jane Bohannon brought brochures to promote The Women in the Outdoors Events March 8 at the Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge at Birchwood. For additional information call Jane at 745-8388.
March 13, 2008
The monthly meeting of the Cherokee Hiking Club was held on Thursday, March 13, 2008 at the Golden Corral in Cleveland at 6:30 PM with 13 members present. Guest Angie Chastain joined and Susan Lackey was reinstated as a member.
Following the meal, the business meeting was called to order at 7:20 PM by President Randy Morris. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Jane Bohannon and were approved as read. The treasurer’s report was read by Treasurer Ann Gray.
Old business: Hike sign in sheets were turned into Jane for central filing. Again the club commends Richard Harris for the work he does with our website.
Plans have been completed for the Annual Joint Meeting. (See February meeting minutes.)
The Bartram Trail hike/cabin trip was cancelled and the Guhne’s may reschedule it later as a camping/hiking trip.
New business: We are sending a card to acknowledge the loss of Gayle Jones' father.
Ken Jones has planned a work trip on the John Muir Trail as a celebration of National Trails Day which is June 7. Ken plans to purchase a kit which contains tee-shirts and other tokens of appreciation for participants. Jane made a motion that the club reimburse Ken for the cost of the kit. Clayton Pannell seconded the motion.
Richard Harris will be a representative for the Southeastern Coalition meeting at Reflection Riding May 2-4.
Marc Bernatti invited members to participate in a work trip on the Unicoi Turn Pike Trail on Saturday, March 15. The Ruritan Club is sponsoring this event.
Scheduled hikes completed: Randy reported on the Scenic Spur Trail and the John Muir hikes. Clayton reported on the Tellico River Cleanup which had 60 participants and ended early due to snow covering the trash. Ann Gray reported on the Old Copper Road hike which had 10 participants.
Upcoming hikes: The following are scheduled prior to our next meeting. Randy will lead the Unicoi Mountain Trail. Clayton will lead the Starr Mountain Trail, and Marc Bernatti will lead the Turtle Town Falls hike.
The next meeting will be the Annual Joint Meeting with the Hiwassee Club at 6:30 p.m. on April 10 at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church on Ohio Avenue in Etowah. Everyone is to bring a potluck item for the meal. Drinks will be furnished by the Cherokee Club and tableware will be furnished by the Hiwassee Club and the church.
We will have the May 8th meeting at Fletcher Park in Cleveland at 6:30 p.m. The Guhne’s will arrive early to hold the tables for us.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Bohannon, Secretary
Minutes of
Annual Joint Cherokee Hiking Club & Hiwassee Hiking Club Meeting
Wesley United Memorial Methodist Church at Etowah
April 10, 2008
The Pannell’s were again gracious in allowing us to meet at their church. Thank you Kay Smallwood and Clayton for the time and effort you expended to prepare and clean up for us. An invocation was given by Clayton followed by fellowship and a delicious potluck meal. Twenty-eight members and ten guests attended
The meeting was called to order by Clayton Pannell at 7:30 p.m. Minutes of the March meeting and treasurer’s report were omitted.
Old business: Ken Jones discussed the work trip on the John Muir Trail on National Trails Day scheduled for June 7. Participants will meet at the junction of Hwy 411 and Hwy 30 at 9:00 a.m. Tee shirts and other tokens of appreciation will be given to participants.Randy Morris, Cherokee Club President, invited everyone to visit our website at Richard Harris reminded everyone to submit an email address if you desire information on upcoming hikes.
New business: Matt Henry, Recreation Technician for the Forest Service and Leslie Smith, Recreation Manager for the Forest Service were introduced. Matt will be working with Ken on the Trails Program. Matt and Leslie thanked the clubs for our support and interest in trails and special thanks was extended to Ken Jones for his many hours he spends on trail maintenance.
Steve Cartwright, President of the Hiwassee Hiking Club, welcomed members and invited guests to join the clubs.
Upcoming Hiwassee Club hikes: Steve Cartwright will lead Fall Branch Falls, April 19. Hikers will meet at the Cherohala Visitor Center in Tellico at 8:30 a.m. Ron and Esther Nunley will lead Savage Gulf followed by a short hike at the Stone Door April 26. This hike is rated easy. Hikers meet at Belk’s Plaza at 7:30 a.m.
Randy Morris discussed Fontana Hiking Club activities and he has information for anyone who wishes to participate.
Upcoming Cherokee Club hikes: Bill Ristom will lead the Big Frog backpack/day hike April 12. James Anderson will lead the Laurel Falls/Snow Pocket Wilderness Trail April 19. Clayton Pannell and Debbie Flower will lead the John Muir Cleanup April 26. Participants will meet at the Childers Creek parking lot at 9:00 a.m.
Out guest speaker was James Anderson who did a very interesting and entertaining presentation on his climb to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro. James made an appeal for the people of Tanzania who are in great need. James will collect and send good used camping and hiking equipment to the porters and guides who assist hikers up Mt. Kilimanjaro. James’s guide wants to attend college so that he can seek employment with the Forest Service. James will send him a good used laptop computer if anyone would like to donate one.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. The Cherokee Club will have the May 8 monthly meeting picnic style at Fletcher Park in Cleveland at 6:30 p.m.
Sincerely submitted,
Jane Bohannon, Secretary
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