The Unicoi Crest above Tellico Plains


Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 373




John Muir Trail Work Trip
Sunday, April 13, 2012

Brief Description:   The hike is a beautiful, easy 3-mile trail along the Hiwassee River.  It can be either a 3-mile or a 6-mile hike, depending on time and car shuttle.  Please bring gloves, clippers, water and a snack.  Trash bags will be provided.  We will meet at the Childers’ Creek Trailhead at 9:00 a.m 

Directions:  If coming from Cleveland, take Highway 64 east to Highway 411 and turn left (north).  Go to and through Benton, and turn right onto Route 30 towards Reliance.  When you reach Webb’s Store on the left, take a left, cross the bridge, then cross the railroad tracks.  Turn immediately right at Rosie’s Restaurant (closed) and follow the road until you reach Childer’s Creek, marked by a sign on the right 

Length3 or 6 miles, easy 

Difficulty Rating: easy

Elevation Gain: almost level

Hike LeaderIf interested, please contact the hike leaders by Friday evening, April 12th.  Debbie Flower: 476-3907

Post-Trip Report:  It  was a gorgeous day as three hikers set forth to clean up the three mile “Adopt a Trail” section of the John Muir Trail along the Hiwassee River. The trail was clipped and snipped until we came to our first obstacle: a massive blow down.  As the song goes, “couldn’t go around it, couldn’t go over it, couldn’t go under it….must go through it.”  Using only hand saws and lopers, we cut multiple branches until the trail was cleared. We saw two snakes and many wildflowers including yellow trilliums, fire pinks, dwarf irises, native mountain laurel, corn flowers, violets and may-apples; then we approached our next obstacle: a huge flood zone covering the trail.  We cleared the alternate trail and showed several hikers the way around the water.  There was very little trash collected. Hike Leader: Deborah Flower.  Hikers: Rebecca Levings and Dave Flower. Canine hiker; Abby Flower.



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