Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Hiwassee Canoe
& Kayak Trip
Sunday, August
Brief Description: We will meet at the Hiwassee/Ocoee River campground (Gee Creek Campground) at 2:00 p.m. August 19, to canoe or kayak down the river to Patty Bridge. When we meet at the campground, we will work out our shuttle to get our vehicles to Patty Bridge in order to haul the canoes/kayaks back to the campground. The river should be at low flow to make a slow and easy float trip. Please make arrangements to bring your canoe or kayak, or use someone else’s. Participants will need to bring water, snacks, life jackets, and any personals to make the trip more enjoyable.
Length: 7 miles
Difficulty Rating: Easy
Hike Leader: If interested, please call Clayton Pannell 263-9730 (h), 435-1848 (c)
Directions to the Trailhead:
Directions from Cleveland: Take Highway 64 to Highway 411 and turn left, going north for several miles, going through Ocoee. Pass over the Hiwassee River. After passing over the river, take a right at Savannah Shores Drive. Continue straight on this road; it will merge with Spring Creek Road. On the right you will see the entrance to the Hiwassee Ocoee State Park. Take a right here and continue to the Gee Creek Campground.
A Google map to the meeting place at Gee Creek Campground can be viewed at,Cleveland,+TN&cid=0,0,4558022022688981545&ei=e3QaUILvG4ys8AShuIDwCg&ved=0CJYBEPwSMAM
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