Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Rhododendron Trail Dayhike
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Brief Description: The hike will start out at 2:30 p.m. on the Rhododendron Trail, and will go for 1.25 miles 1 way; then we will hike 2.5 miles to the picnic area and back to Thunder Rock. There is an additional option of hiking on to the Copper Road, which will be another 5 miles. All these hikes are rated easy.
Length: 2.5 miles, with an option of also hiking on the Old Copper Road (extra 5 miles or so)
Difficulty Rating: Easy
Elevation Gain: minimal
Hike Leader: Please contact Jane Bohannon if interested in attending, or for more information.
Directions to the Trailhead:
Carpooling directions: I will meet Athens and Etowah area hikers in the Bi-Lo parking lot in Etowah at 1:30 p.m. Hikers from the Cleveland area please meet at the Ocoee Hardee’s at 1:45 p.m. and car pool from there. Please organize your own carpool and leader from the Ocoee Hardee’s. I will not be coming to the Ocoee Hardee’s to meet hikers there. Everyone please be at the trailhead at 2:30 p.m.
Directions to the trailhead: From Highway 411 in Ocoee, to east on Highway 64. Your turn off of Highway 64 will be at the Thunder Rock Campground sign, which directs you across a bridge. After crossing the bridge you will see the trailhead sign on the left. A large trailhead parking lot is across the gravel road near the Thunder Rock Campground entrance.
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