Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
John Muir
Trail Work Trip
Sunday, April 3,
Brief Description: We will meet at Childer’s Creek Trail Head at 2:00 p.m. The hike is a beautiful, easy 3 mile trail along the Hiwassee River. It can be either a 3 mile or a 6 mile hike depending on time and car shuttle. Please bring gloves,
clippers, water and a snack/lunch. Trash bags will be provided.
Directions: If coming from Cleveland, go to and through Benton, turn right onto Rt. 30 towards Reliance, cross the bridge at Webb's Store, cross the railroad tracks, turn immediately right at Rosie's Restaurant and follow the road until you see the Childers' Creek Trailhead with the sign on the right.
Length: 3 or 6 miles, easy
Difficulty Rating: easy
Elevation Gain: almost level
Hike Leader: If interested, please contact the hike leaders by Friday evening, April 1. Debbie Flower: 476-3907 or Clayton Pannell at 423-263-9730
Post-Trip Report: It was a gorgeous afternoon as six hikers set forth to clean up the three mile “Adopt a Trail” section of the John Muir Trail along the Hiwassee River. One small bag of trash was collected and some light maintenance work was done. Many wildflowers were in bloom; such as yellow trillium, fire-pinks, May apples, dwarf irises, wild azalea and bluets. Several fishermen were trying their luck in the river and we met several hikers on the trail. We found Pat and Leon Bates in the “papaw” patch. We were enraptured as he told us about this southern tree and the life cycle of the zebra swallow-tailed butterfly. He identified many other flowers for us. Hike Leaders: Clayton Pannell and Deborah Flower (with her dog Abby) Hikers: Ann Gray, Martha Firestone, Karen Young, Belinda Mantooth and her friend Susan Lane.
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