Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Falls Dayhike
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Brief Description: First mile is an easy level warm up stroll alongside the creek. Then, we'll take the left fork. It becomes a foot trail
with some hill hugging and slight elevation changes with switchbacks that take the trail down to below the twin falls . Usually, the water coming off the falls cascades dramatically down both sides of the center rock. From there, we'll continue to the second set of falls and then, hike back out on the logging road. There should be great views of the Hiwassee from the higher rises on that road while the trees are still greening up. After looping back to the left fork we took to hike in, that easy mile stroll back to our cars will be a welcome cool down.
Bring a snack and enough water. Pets are always welcome.
Length: 3.7 miles
Difficulty Rating: Moderate to Easy, but there is a fair amount of elevation gain on the return trip to the car
Elevation Gain: maybe 500 feet on the return trip to the car
Hike Leader: Marc Bernatti. Call me at 423 261-2573 if
you wish to hike so, we don’t leave you. Be advised, there is no cell phone service up here.
Directions to the Trailhead: We’ll meet at the trail head in Turtle Town Falls parking lot at 2 PM on Sunday, March 13,2011.
For those coming up Hwy 64 along the Ocoee River to Ducktown, the Hardees’ in Ocoee or in Ducktown are good meeting point to carpool. Take Hwy 68 North approximately 10 miles to the Farner USPO on your left on Underwood Rd, look for the Flag. Then, follow the directions from that USPO.
Those coming through Tellico Plains can meet up at Hardees or up in Coker Creek at the Welcome Center/Post Office (Hwy 68, mile marker 34) to carpool. I’ll meet you there at 1:30 and we can carpool or caravan. Approximately 12 miles from the Coker Creek Welcome Center/Post Office, you'll cross a new bridge over the RR tracks. Take the second right, (on Underwood Rd at the Farner Post Office-look for the Flag).
From the Farner USPO, cross the RR tracks, bear right and turn left on Duggan Rd. Bear left onto Farner Rd. The entrance is 3/4 miles on the right. Once you enter, keep driving until you cross a wet bridge, the parking lot will be just ahead.
Post Trip Report: The Lucky Dozen, who came up to these mountains Sunday, had an excellent afternoon for a great hike. That 2 mile Forestry dirt road down to the parking lot had dried already. However, from the recent heavy rain, water flow in the creek washeavy, yet it too had already cleared, and the Falls were spectacular. Overall, the trail was still in excellent condition. Once we veered off onto the hillside foot path, a few recent blown down trees were across the trail. All except one could easily be stepped over, that one, about a foot diameter, required some limber knee crawling effort to pass. We met two other hiking groups who were picnicking at the Upper Twin Falls, but after that, the trail was ours alone. As usual, the return leg, up the ridge logging road showed everyone just how sedate they’d become these last few months. Up along the ridge, glimpses of the Hiawassee Gorge and fast flowing swollen River were still to be seen. If anyone cares to share some of the many individual photos, post them on our FaceBook page.
Everyone including Uther, our trail marker, enjoyed this afternoon and feel regret for those who missed the hike. Besides Club members, Belinda Mantooth and me, our guest hikers were Susan Lane, Tommy Johnson, Paul and Barbara Ketron, Frank Davis, Brian Resch, Tim and Connie Stephenson, their grandson Dison Koss, and Travis Heid.
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