Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Twin Rocks Dayhike
Sunday, February
20, 2011
Brief Description: Twin Rocks is a short spur trail off the Piney River trail located near Spring City. The trail ascends rather steeply to the crest of a ridge and then levels off for a quarter of a mile or so and then ascends steeply again to Twin Rocks. The overlook on top of the rocks is reached by climbing a wire enclosed ladder. The hiking distance is 2 1/2 miles with about 500 feet of elevation gain rated easy but with some short steep sections This is a joint hike of the Hiwassee and Cherokee Hiking Clubs.
Leader: Effaleda & Bob Lee (423) 568-2501, cell 507-5582
Length: 2.5 miles
Difficulty: Easy, 400 feet of elevation gain. A wire caged ladder must be climbed to reach the rocks.
Directions to the Trailhead: The trailhead is reached by following highway 68N around Spring City. After 68 turns right off 27 and crosses over the viaduct, go one mile and turn left on the Shut-In Gap road. After one more mile, park in the parking lot on the right. Meet at Belk's Plaza in Athens at 1:30 or at the trailhead at 2:30. Dress for the weather and wear sturdy footwear.
Post Trip Report: Four members holding joint membership in the Cherokee and Hiwassee Hiking Clubs , two members of the Cherokee Hiking Club, and two guests participated in this outing on a warm February day. The climb up to the rocks was short but steep in places with one hiker expressing an opinion that the hike was not easy as rated. However all hiked up to the rocks and all elected to climb the ladder to the top of the rocks. After a rest, we returned via the Piney River trail to complete the 2 1/2 mile loop.Members participating were Effaleda and Bob Lee, Jane Bohannon, Sheri Stewart, Debbie Zuidema and Aggie Scott . It was a pleasure having the guests from Athens and Cleveland and hope they will participate in more hikes with us.
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