Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Scenic Spur Trail Dayhike
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Brief Description: This trail takes us to a waterfall in the Rock Creek Gorge near where TN30 intersects with US64.
Length: 3.5 miles
Difficulty Rating: Easy
Elevation Gain: minimal elevation gain
Hike Leader: Randy Morris, 338-9464 (h)
Directions to the Trailhead: We will leave from Hardee’s in Ocoee at 1:45 p.m. The trail head is on Hwy. 30 about 100 yards from US 64.
Trail Description: This trail, located near the Hwy 30/64 intersection, goes to a nice waterfall in the Rock Creek Gorge Scenic Area. Although the hike is easy, please be aware there are two stream
crossings which could require wading if there has been recent rainfall. When dry, these are easy “rock-hops”. The trail head is on Hwy. 30 about 100 yards from US 64. When we get to the end of the trail at the falls, anyone desiring can join me for a “bushwhack” up the side of the hill to see the larger upper waterfall that few people view. This bushwhack is why I am scheduling this as an early year hike. We will leave from Hardee’s in Ocoee at 1:45 p.m. Call Randy at 338-9464 by Saturday evening March 21 to confirm attendance or if you have any questions.
Post Trip Report: Fifteen hikers and two dogs turned out for a hike on the Scenic Spur Trail along Rock Creek just off Hwy. 64 on an
absolutely beautiful spring afternoon. There was sufficient water in the creek to make the falls and cascades beautiful without making the creek crossings overly difficult. It was possible to “rock-hop” without getting wet, but some chose to take the safest way across and wade. It was
almost like being in the Smokies for a hike with all of the people in the area—both hikers and bikers as I have never seen the trailhead parking lot so full! In fact, we met club members Bill and Carol Kamm along with some out-of-state visitors on our return trip. Everyone enjoyed the relatively easy hike up to the cascades and small, but beautiful waterfall. Four hikers and Jake made the “bushwhack” trek up the side of the ridge to view the upper falls which are larger with a greater vertical drop. Hikers making the trip were club members Jane
Bohannon, Ann Gray, Rick & Brenda Harris (and Jake), Jolynn & Kenneth Johnson, Al Rymer, Aggie Scott, Mickey Walls, Karen Young, Debbie Zuidema, and Randy Morris, hike leader. Guests were Elaine Allman, Ray Seaton (and Jack) and Sherri Stewart.
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