Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Rock Creek
Section of the Cumberland Trail Dayhike
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Brief Description: We will hike part of the Rock Creek Segment of the Cumberland Trail (CT) from the Upper Leggett Road Trailhead. This hike will be approximately 8.5 miles and will include a side trip out to Leggett Point Overlook. The segment to be hiked is quite rocky for the most part and will have some small water crossings—with the major ones having bridges. We will cross the newly installed bridge over Rock Creek and head toward the Possum Creek Gorge Segment. We should experience good views during parts of the hike. There is only one serious climb, but the trail does meander up and down in the gorge some. I rate the hike moderate to strenuous—because of the length, elevation gain and rocks. Good information on the hike can also be accessed on the CT website at
Leader: Randy Morris, 338-9464 by Friday evening.
Difficulty: Moderate/strenuous, 8.5 miles
Directions to the Trailhead: We will meet at the commuter parking lot off of Exit 25 in Cleveland at 8:30 a.m. for the trip over to Sale Creek to begin the hike.
Post Trip Report: On a beautifully crisp winter morning four hikers enjoyed the Upper Rock Creek Gorge Segment of the Cumberland Trail. After surveying panoramic views from Leggett Point, we hiked down into the gorge. The water in Rock Creek was flowing nicely and sounded thunderous in places as it swept down the gorge and echoed from the beautiful sandstone and limestone rock formations along the trail. We also enjoyed the Rock Creek Overlook and the cascades from the smaller streams such as Rocky Branch. We hiked around 4 miles instead of the planned 8-9 because one member of our group suffered an unfortunate ankle sprain on the rocky path. Thankfully with some TLC, Tylenol and a tight wrap, the injured hiker trekked out with the group. Making the journey were James Anderson, Ron and Esther Nunley and hike leader Randy Morris.
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