Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Ground / Hangover Dayhike
Saturday, October
25, 2008
Brief Description:
Views from the Hangover are some of the most spectacular in the southeast, especially in fall color seasonwhich should be at its peak), and the only way to get there is by foot. Highlights along the way will include the open meadow with great views just before reaching Stratton Bald, and across Naked Ground. The approach is set as the easiest of several options, going in from Beech Gap, though this may change if everyone wants more of a climb. (1600-ft and 3000-ft climbs are possible.) This dayhike may also become an overnight backpack for folks who would like. Depending on whether there's enough time and all are feeling energetic, we'll take a short side trip out the upper Ballbuster for additional views. Please contact the trip leader to register as Wilderness restrictions impose a limit on group size. (Please also let me know your preferences on challenge and duration for the outing.) Bring your blaze orange and your camera!
Length: 9 miles (longer/shorter, as everyone wants)Difficulty Rating: StrenuousElevation Gain: 800 ft (or more, as people would like)Hike Leader: Diana Ristom , (423) 476-2945
Post Trip Report:
One shy of the 12-person group size limit, eleven hikers set out from Beech Gap at 9:30 AM as a big storm system was beginning to clear. Though some of the earlier going was in a gray cloud bank, the only water to moisten our clothing came from the overhanging brush. At the overlook, conditions were breezy and quite cool, but with some warm sun and about half the full view. Surprisingly, the leaves hadn't yet reached peak color. (We need to go back in two weeks!)
There was a lot of activity on the trail, notably a large scout group and several from the Atlanta Outdoor Club. At the meadow, we met a couple who found themselves in late afternoon with not enough time to make it back down the mountain by dark. Good Samaritan Rick Harris gave them a ride after they hiked out with us. Total time on the trail was 8.5 hours, then several headed to the Tellicafe for dinner to round out a fine day.There were nine members and two guests (underlined) - James Anderson, Mark and Donna Cameron, Tom and MacKenzie Fetter, Rick and Brenda Harris, Randy Morris, Bill and Diana Ristom, and Kathy Seymour. Note MacKenzie, age 9, made it with no problem. We hope she and her dad join us on more outings in the future!
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