Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Beech Bottom Falls Dayhike
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Brief Description:
The Beech Bottom falls hike is approximately 8 miles in length. I would rate it moderate but the trail is very good with no step grades, etc. and probably no more than 750-1000 feet in elevation change. It should be a wonderful time to visit these beautiful double-layer waterfalls. We may have to wade or rock hop a small creek near the falls but since it is still quite warm that shouldn't be an issue. If you would like, feel free to bring a swim suit and spend some time relaxing in the pool at the bottom of the falls while we eat lunch.
Leader: James Anderson, 715-8824
Length: 8.0 miles
Difficulty: Moderate, 700-1000 foot elevation gain.
Directions to the Trailhead: Anyone planning on going should contact James Anderson @ 715-8824 no later than 8:00 PM on Friday prior to the hike. He will let you know where to meet based on those planning to go.
Post Trip Report: Will be posted along with pictures after the trip and this page will be moved to the "Past Activities" section of this website.
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