Cherokee Hiking Club
198 Crews Drive, Benton, TN 37307
Boundary Dayhike
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Brief Description:
We will be hiking around Indian Boundary Lake at the Indian Boundary Campground area up the Skyway. The trail around the Indian Boundary Lake is a bike trail 3.4 mile long, almost level. The beach is near the picnic area and anyone who wishes can go swimming. The lake is a great place to canoe and some people may like to canoe after the hike. If you plan to canoe, please bring your canoe and other necessary equipment. After the hike and activities, we will eat in the picnic area. Please bring food for yourself.
Leader: Clayton Pannell, 423-263-9730
Length: 3.4 miles
Difficulty: Easy, minimal elevation gain, bike trail crushed rock surface.
Directions to the Trailhead: Meet in Etowah, Bi-Lo Parking lot at 2:00 PM to car pool to Indiana Boundary. We will park in the picnic parking lot, a fee area.
Post Trip Report:
The hike around Indian Boundary Lake was enjoyed by all. The weather forecaster's were not kind to anyone wanting to hike this Sunday afternoon. Six hikers met in the Etowah Bi-LO parking lot with no rain and no storm clouds in site to car shuttle to Indian Boundary to hike around the lake. The hike around the lake was without rain and some good views of the lake and only a few bikers on the trail, and one of them was Steve Mantooth. After the hike we enjoyed our evening meal in the picnic area without rain. after the evening meal Jane and Clayton put a canoe on the lake so Jane could get some experience paddling and controlling a canoe. Near six PM storm clouds moved in and it started sprinkling rain. We made it to shore and got the canoe loaded before the storm started.Hikers were Clayton Pannell leader, Shirley Jones, Jane Bohannon, Aggie Scott, Steve Mantooth and Belinda Mantooth.
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